Click Here to See if Cook Library Has Your Textbook
Cook Library has begun a textbook lending program.
We’ve compiled a list of over 400 textbooks that we’re making available to students on our Course Books website.
To access those books that are electronic, click on the title/author for the book listed on the Course Books website.
Print books can be borrowed for 2 hours at a time. To check out those books, visit the Circulation Desk on the main floor of the library and ask for the book.
This program was made possible by a collaboration with the UStore and support from the donors to the Library Textbook Fund. If you are interested in donating a copy of a textbook for a course or exploring if the textbook from your course can be added to this program, please Recommend a Textbook for Reserves.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Garczynski, Joyce V.