Review TU’s Self-Study Report

As an important step in the institution’s re-accreditation process, the TU  community is invited to review the institution’s draft self-study, accessible from the self-study website.

To facilitate the report’s timely conveyance to the Middle States evaluation team, individuals should direct comments, observations, or enquiries on the self-study to by Friday July 23.

The self-study represents the institution’s self-appraisal of its commitment to continuous improvement, how it fulfills its mission and goals, and demonstrates its adherence to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Commission Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation.

A team of peer evaluators will use the self-study and a three day (virtual) visit to evaluate the institution’s comportment to the commission’s standards. This visit will take place between September 12 and 15.

More detail on the self-study and regional accreditation is available from the self-study website ( or by contacting



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This post was written by Mello, Nicholas J.