New Signage & Parking Changes
Those who are just returning to campus may notice new campus signage (also known as wayfinding)! The updated wayfinding signs are the result of several years of work, and will make it easier for newcomers to find campus destinations. Signage will be installed before the fall semester as the most visible of several changes to navigating our campus.
New Lot Numbers
As part of the wayfinding campaign, new parking signs have been installed and parking lots have been renumbered. The lots are now in numerical order for easier identification when navigating campus. Use the helpful lot number guide to translate lots from their past to current designation. The updated numbers are also posted on the campus map.
Event Signage
The new wayfinding signs have reduced the need for temporary event signage. Moving forward, event signs should only be used to direct attendees from their parking location to the event. Pre-event communications should direct attendees on how to reach the parking location, and refer attendees to campus wayfinding signs for on-site direction. Event contacts can work with their parking coordinator to request signs when needed.
We appreciate your assistance in helping the campus community get to their destination easily, without unnecessary visual clutter.
Tags: events, parking, signage, wayfindingCategorised in: General
This post was written by Gorsuch, Pamela