Faculty Opportunities in Study Abroad/Away: Faculty-Led Programs Meeting Recording

Are you interested in a teaching a TU course in context abroad or elsewhere in the U.S.? The recording of the TU Faculty Opportunities in Study Abroad/Away: Faculty-Led Programs workshop held on Friday, May 14 is now available for viewing.

Meeting Recording: https://towson-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/UBOQZfmDGx27my58BwaWfm7YvYaZmy9CXZUxN37MexivBRWJvDdXwAltAcvMuulC.w5WK1hc6S4_lIxWo

Access Passcode: TUSA3456$

Proposals for faculty-led study abroad/away programs to run in Minimester or Spring Break 2023 are due NOVEMBER 1, 2021.

Proposals for faculty-led study abroad/away programs to run in Summer 2023 are due APRIL 1, 2022.

For more information about TU faculty-led study abroad/away programs, the proposal process, and the proposal form please visit the TU Study Abroad website at www.towson.edu/academics/international/abroad/faculty/programs/ or contact Liz Shearer, Director for Study Abroad at lshearer@towson.edu to discuss ideas for a program.

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This post was written by Sobecki, Kelsey