Sabbatical Presentation by Jennifer Mott-Smith, Department of English
Jennifer Mott-Smith, Professor in the Department of English, will deliver her sabbatical lecture, “Undoing and Redoing Gender: The Case of Singular They,” on Friday, April 30, at 3:30pm on Zoom.
Ever hear someone be critical of the use of singular they on grammatical grounds? Well, descriptive linguistics tells us that singular they has been in use for hundreds of years and is, in fact, our gender-neutral pronoun of choice. But what precisely does gender-neutral mean? In this presentation, Dr. Mott-Smith draws on gender theory to discuss three meanings of the term and apply them to the use of singular they. She argues that the use of this pronoun both reflects and constructs more liberatory positions for (cis)women and gender independent people.
The Zoom meeting link may be found here (Meeting ID: 966 5216 4421; Passcode: 88451979).
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This post was written by Zyne, Paula C.