Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium Announced
Funding Opportunity Title: Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
Letters of Intent Due: 5/9/2021, 10/8/2021
Applications Due: 6/9/2021, 11/8/2021
The purpose of this FOA is to advance research on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 and associated mitigation efforts on individual, family, and community behavior and on how subsequent economic disruption affects health-related outcomes, with close attention to underserved and vulnerable populations. To address these questions, this FOA aims to form a research consortium to access, extract, integrate, share, and analyze existing data from various sources with broad population coverage including underserved and vulnerable populations. Examples of existing data include public health data; personal digital data; economic, labor, and commerce data; electronic health records (EHRs); claims data; and ongoing health, demographic, and social surveys. This FOA solicits applications for individual population research projects that will be linked to a Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium Coordination Center (SBECCC) to foster collaboration and synergies across consortium member projects.
Tags: COVID-19, Grant, Grants, Research GrantsCategorised in: General
This post was written by Fusick, Katherine