TODAY! Multilingual Language Workshops
College of Education’s Elementary Education Department will be hosting three workshops on multilingual language.
Using Practice-Based Teacher Education to Support TCs with Eliciting and Interpreting Multilingual Learners’ Thinking
Thursday, March 25th | 9–10:30am
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Hickey
This session will discuss Practice-Based Teacher Education (PBTE), which conceptualizes the notion that content knowledge and teaching technique are intertwined. Participants will explore transcript analysis, rehearsals, and video analysis as ways to support teacher candidates (TCs) in developing their ability to elicit and interpret student thinking.
Preservice Teachers in Two-Way Immersion (TWI) Programs
Thursday, March 25th | 1–2:30 pm
Presenter: Dr. Judith Guerrero
In this presentation, participants will learn about TWI programs and how these programs are implemented in MD. This dual language educational model will be discussed as a potential internship option for preservice teachers. The presentation will include examples of how this model was implemented in one of our Professional Development Schools.
Serving Families of Young Dual Language Learners
Friday, March 26th | 9–10:30 am
Presenter: Dr. Lea Ann Christenson
This presentation will cover how educators can serve and support young Dual language learners (DLLs) and their families. Participants will walk away with specific strategies for supporting the families of young DLLs as well as the theory and conceptual knowledge to create their own practices for their own unique settings.
Categorised in: General, Students
This post was written by Miller, Kendall