Administrative Leave Granted for March 18, 2021 and March 19, 2021

In recognition of all the efforts of our faculty and staff over the past year, Towson University will apply two administrative leave days to the calendar for Thursday, March 18 and Friday, March 19.

Employees who were not already on leave, or were not scheduled to take leave during this period, record administrative leave on their time sheet.  The administrative leave corresponds with the actual hours they would have been scheduled to work if not for the closing.  The applicable leave codes are:

ADMU – Regular Faculty & Staff, Librarians

ADMCE – Contingent II Exempt Staff

ADMCU – Contingent II Non-Exempt Staff

Contingent I – record normal work hours on the time sheet and note the administrative leave hours in the comment section.  **Please note – Contingent I employees are not typically eligible for paid administrative leave. Leave is granted here as a one-time occurrence limited to the days noted**

Student Employees – record normal work hours on the time sheet and note the administrative leave hours in the comment section.  **Please note – Student employees are not typically eligible for paid administrative leave. Leave is granted here as a one-time occurrence limited to the days noted**

Lecturers – record 8 hours of REG pay for the day and note the administrative leave hours in the comment section.

Non-exempt essential personnel, who are required to work during the closure, are paid for the hours worked and receive straight time administrative leave for scheduled work hours. Use leave code ADMEW for the administrative leave hours.

Employees who were not scheduled to work, were scheduled to take leave, or were already on leave, may not use administrative leave.  Unless scheduled otherwise, employees who leave work before the University officially closes must use their own accrued leave for those times.

For those who remain on campus for spring break, dining and shuttle services will remain in operation even when administrative leave days are being observed.

The administrative leave days must be observed on the dates indicated and are not available for future use.

For more information, please review the Administrative Leave Decision Tree and the

Administrative Leave FAQ.  If you have any questions, email

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This post was written by Morrow, Jennifer G.