Tigers Lead: Vulnerability in Leadership (TODAY!)

What is vulnerability? Why is it so difficult to be vulnerable, especially as a leader? Vulnerability is a huge component of authentic leadership. Let’s break down our walls and talk about it! Join us TODAY Monday, March 1, 2021 at 4 p.m. as we engage in an interactive conversation that helps you find your next steps! All participants will be entered in our March giveaway, winners will be announced at the end of the month. Find all our upcoming Tigers Lead workshops, and their Zoom links, on Involved@TU here: https://involved.towson.edu/organization/tigerslead.

Wednesday we’ll be having our second Leadership Lunch of the semester

This is a continuation of February’s Leadership Lunch, but feel free to join regardless of if you were able to join in February!  The conversation will be led by professional speaker and author, Justin Jones-Fosu, we will explore how to become more inclusive as a leader. And don’t forget…students who attend will receive at $10 Chipotle gift card. This is a continuation of February’s Leadership Lunch, but feel free to join regardless of if you were able to join in February! RSVP and find the Zoom link on Involved@TU here: https://involved.towson.edu/event/6179842.

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This post was written by Codd, Amanda M.