Scholarly Writing Accountability Groups (SWAG) – Spring 2021

FACET and the Writing Center will offer two Scholarly Writing Accountability Groups (SWAGs) for all TU faculty!

The groups will start on Feb. 25th and Feb. 26th and end on May 6th and May 7. Participants can pick one or both days. There will be no meetings during spring break.

A SWAG is an active peer-led writing group that helps faculty dedicate time for research and writing. Groups follow a structured agenda including 15 minutes of updates and goal-setting followed by 60 minutes of individual writing and then 15 minutes of reporting and wrap-up.

Participants will commit to attending as many virtual meetings as possible to facilitate accountability for themselves and others. In a SWAG, there is no peer review of writing; SWAGs focus on the process of writing, not the content. SWAG members support one another to write with increased frequency and develop a sustainable writing habit. Groups will be limited to 8 people. Sign up soon!


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This post was written by Cross, Tammy M.