How do you handle conflict? Or work in groups? Find out more about the Tigers Lead Tier 2 program and apply today!

The Office of Student Activities is excited to open applications for Tier 2 of the Tigers Lead program. Tigers Lead Tier Two is a program, developed in 2019, that focuses on developing your leadership skills as part of a group or team. Through this nine-week, cohort-based experience, you will develop skills to effectively lead, facilitate and mentor others, while building meaningful connections with other student leaders. We will explore topics such as group dynamics, conflict management, inclusive leadership, service to others, and leaving a legacy. To participate in Tier 2, you must have completed a leadership education program previously. Examples of a previous leadership education program include, but are not limited to, Tier 1 of Tigers Lead (or previous completion of the iLead program), LeaderShape, Retreat for Social Justice, Greek Emerging Leaders, etc.

Tigers Lead Tier Two is a cohort-based program, meaning you will participate weekly with the same group of students. Tier 2 will run on Wednesdays from 3:30-5 p.m., beginning February 17 and running through April 21, 2021. All of the sessions will now be taking place virtually, participants are required to attend all of the sessions. The program also includes a service component which will be announced later & could be subject to change depending on COVID restraints and regulations.

To participate in this exciting opportunity, apply here by Sunday February 14 at 11:59 pm:

Questions? Contact Ashly Huff, the Assistant Director of Leadership, at

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This post was written by Codd, Amanda M.