Approvals Required for All Purchase Requisitions – Read the Guidelines
TU’s faculty and staff play an important role in maintaining the university’s sound financial footing. Do your part by limiting purchases to those that are essential to our academic mission, health and safety, or essential business operations. Before purchasing anything, consider whether there are lower or no-cost options available to you, such as utilizing on-campus sources for furniture and computers before purchasing them new.
All purchase requisitions must be submitted with an Essential Purchase Approval. Grant-funded purchases are exempt from this requirement. In addition, purchases of $20,000 or more require approval by the department or college associate vice president or dean, and purchases of $50,000 or more require approval by the department or college associate vice president or dean and the division vice president or provost. Access the approval forms by amount:
- Essential Purchase Approval for purchases less than $20,000
- Essential Purchase Approval for purchases $20,000-$49,999
- Essential Purchase Approval for purchases over $50,000
Some examples of essential purchases include critical learning tools for students, supplies necessary for the health and safety of the campus community, tools that facilitate online learning and purchases needed to implement legislative requirements.
By finding creative solutions and taking a prudent approach to spending, we can all help TU stay strong.
Tags: budget, procurment, purchasesCategorised in: General
This post was written by McShane, Kathleen*