Celebrating Retirees’ More Than a Half-Century of Service to the TU Foundation
Three TU Foundation board members retiring in 2020
After more than 50 years of combined service to the Towson University Foundation and support to the many advancements that have benefitted faculty, staff and students, John A. Hayden III, Mary (Molly) Shock ‘75 and Bryan M. Thaler ‘97 are retiring from the foundation. The Towson University Foundation, Inc. (TUF) exists to manage gifts and other funds received for the benefit of Towson University.
During the retirees’ years of service, the TUF saw significant growth in investment returns and financial support, both of which greatly benefited TU students. In just the last five years, TUF has awarded, on average, $1,632,991 annually in scholarship support.
More recently, TUF launched a grant program, designed to support faculty- and staff-led programs that enhance and expand learning opportunities for students. Over the last two years, $200,000 has been awarded to nine worthy programs that represent every college at TU.
Over the last decade, the TUF endowment has outperformed all higher ed endowment investments by net 1.8% (2019: NACUBO-TIAA Study of Endowments) and has scored in the top fifth percentile when ranked against all endowments and foundations tracked by InvestmentMetrics. This year the endowment will generate more than $2.5 million in scholarships and grants. Help keep the momentum of the TUF grant program alive.
John A. Hayden III
During his 18 years on the TU Foundation Board, John A. Hayden III served as vice president and secretary and chaired both the Governance and Art Committees. Before joining the board, he served education foundations for Baltimore County Public Schools and Catonsville Community College. He counts his work on the TUF as the next step in his service to education.
Hayden is a recently retired resident partner of Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, L.L.P., Towson office, where he concentrated on corporate law and succession planning, estate planning and business organization, sales, mergers and acquisitions.
“It has been a pleasure and honor to serve with my fellow Foundation board members and university staff who share the responsibilities of TU in aiding its students to achieve their personal goals,” says Hayden. “These goals may be evident conspicuously on a stage and in a classroom or quietly behind a desk guiding community businesses, governments or other critical services on which we all depend. TU does not choose the goals of its students, but it puts them within reach.”
Mary (Molly) Fulton Shock ’75
During her more than 16 years on the TUF Board, Mary (Molly) Fulton Shock ’75, served as secretary, president and chair of the Executive Committee and as a member of the Development Committee.
Shock grew up in Salisbury, and graduated from then-Towson State University, receiving a bachelor’s in elementary education. She and her sons, William and Richard, established the Stephen K. Shock Memorial Scholarship at TU, memorializing her late husband and awarded to students in the College of Business & Economics. She also established the Catherine O’Malley Endowed Scholarship, awarded to deserving students in the College of Liberal Arts and the W.J.R. Shock Endowed Scholarship, awarded to a student enrolled in the College of Education pursuing initial certification as a teacher in a PreK–12 Maryland public school.
In addition to her service on the TUF Board, Shock was also a member of the Towson University Board of Visitors. In 2008, she was named one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women by The Daily Record.
“My term on the board … set me on my quest to understand how students pay for college—the obstacles and how to overcome them,” says Shock. “As a foundation board we are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that Towson University remains affordable and accessible. Education is the best way for society to grow and thrive.”
Bryan M. Thaler ’97
For the past 16 years, Bryan M. Thaler ’97 served as treasurer and chair of the Investment Committee and participated on the Budget Committee. Thaler helped guide the Towson University Investment Group (TUIG), a student-managed, real-world learning investment team, and served as a mentor for students. He also served as president of the Towson University Alumni Association.
Thaler is an investment counselor with the fee-only firm of Van Sant & Mewshaw, Inc. He holds a bachelor’s in business administration from Towson University.
“While I have been involved in many things as a volunteer at TU, I think I have had the greatest impact through the TU Foundation,” says Thaler. “When I first became involved with the foundation, the endowment was a fraction of the size it is today. The Investment Committee has worked tirelessly to make sure that the funds entrusted to us have grown and blossomed. I am very proud that our hard work has positively impacted so many.” This story is one of several related to President Kim Schatzel’s priorities for Towson University: Culture of Philanthropy
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This post was written by Powell, Karen