Next week: Caregivers of children are invited to discuss survival strategies

The Office of Human Resources and the Faculty Academic Center of Excellence at Towson (FACET) have collaborated to create a space for caregivers of children during the COVID-19 pandemic to share their experiences and collaborate with one another. Each 1 hour session will begin with a brief discussion as a large group, then utilize breakout rooms to discuss topics relevant to specific participants. Breakout group discussions will include:

  • Stress and coping
  • Time management/staying productive
  • Children’s activities and resources (food, education, play, etc.)
  • Pre-school aged children
  • Elementary school aged children
  • Issues unique to male caregivers/fathers

Participants will be able to choose which breakout room(s) most interest them, and will have opportunity to switch between rooms if multiple topics apply. Discussion groups will occur on Monday, November 9th from 1-2pm, and Tuesday, November 10th from 10-11am.

Please register in advance of the session by visiting:

If you have any questions, contact Jill Rice ( for assistance.

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This post was written by Morrow, Jennifer G.