13 Days Left To Apply For a TU Foundation Grant!

The TU Foundation is pleased to announce the continuation of the Towson University Foundation Grant Program with a third round of funding totaling $100,000. This initiative will once again provide funding for a minimum of four grants of up to $25,000 for projects led by TU faculty and staff members who are working to advance one or more of the Presidential Priorities.
Project submissions should align with one or more of the Presidential Priorities and accomplish one of the following – enhance and expand educational opportunities both in and outside of the classroom; launch a new endeavor to understand and address a community need; or to underwrite an emerging need at the university.
Please complete and submit an application by visiting the TU Foundation website at https://www.towson.edu/advancement/foundation/resources.html and locating the file “TU Foundation Grant Application (2021)”. The TU Foundation hopes there will be a strong group of applicants for these funds, so please consider submitting a project and also sharing this new initiative with faculty and staff seeking funding for innovative projects.

The timeline for the application process is included on the application. The application deadline is Wednesday, November 4, 2020, and awards will be announced in mid-December. If you have any questions, please email tufoundation@towson.edu.

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This post was written by Powell, Karen