Passionate about Social Justice? Join Lead Read/s Book Club with “I Am Malala: The Girl who Stood up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban. RSVP & get a free book!

Knowledge is power, and so is ability to learn from the thoughts and experiences of others. Join the Office of Student Activities in the second edition of the Lead Read book club. This past summer as we witnessed grave racial injustice during the pandemic, the Lead Read book club engaged in critical dialogue while reading  “Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?”

Join us virtually this Fall, as we explore a different realm of social justice and identity with the book: I am Malala: The Girl who Stood up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban.  We will read one section of the book each week, and meet bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m., beginning September 22, 2020, in order to discuss, process and learn with one another.

Active, respectful dialogue is expected and required of all participants. Sessions will be facilitated by Elssa Kenfack, GA of Leadership.

RSVP and attend one of the first two sessions for a free copy of the book. Quantities are limited. RSVP at the event on Involved@TU:

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This post was written by Codd, Amanda M.