Sabbatical Presentation by Abby Mello, Department of Psychology
You are invited!
Sabbatical Presentation by Dr. Abby Mello, Department of Psychology
Title: Are Two Heads Better Than One? It Depends on the Task.
Description: This presentation will cover the work completed during the spring 2019 sabbatical period on the research project “Teamwork on Two Tasks.” This project investigated the role of different task demands on team performance. Results revealed that when teams performed a convergent (correct-answer) decision task first, their subsequent performance on a divergent (creative) task suffered.
Date: Friday, May 8
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm (1 hour presentation with time for questions)
Location: Open Webex Forum.
Hope to “see” you there!
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Zyne, Paula C.