Shhh! Enter Cook Library’s Quiet Study Poster Contest before 3/22

Quiet Study Poster ContestCook Library is updating Quiet Study signage and we want your designs to be on display! All media types are welcome including photography, illustration, flyers, collage, graphic design, infographics, etc.

Finalists will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Relation to the theme of “quiet”
  • Creativity
  • Effectiveness of communication

In late May, the TU community will vote for the top five designs to hang in the library. Winners will receive a U-STORE gift card and be invited to an unveiling reception to see their work on display.

The final design will be printed on 20″ x 24″ Photo Tex paper and is required to be have an image resolution of 240-300 dpi. Your original submission on this form does not have to be at that resolution. The poster design will be set in a template with the artists name and “Quiet Study Area” printed at the top, so designs are not required to include that language. In order to keep Cook Library a safe and welcoming space for all visitors, submissions with language or imagery deemed inappropriate/graphic by library standards will not be considered.

Digital submissions in JPEG, PDF & TIFF only please.

You can upload your designs here:

The deadline for entry is March 22, 2020.

If you have any questions or issues uploading your design, please contact Bria Sinnott, Arts & Communication librarian at

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This post was written by Garczynski, Joyce V.