They Won TU Socks! Spot an Old Brand Mark to Win a Pair, Too.

It’s 2020. The time to finish TU’s brand transition has officially passed. In February more than 80 TU students, faculty and staff became honorary members of the brand police and reported old brand marks. Congrats to the five randomly drawn winners who are walking away with some snazzy, new TU socks for spotting breaches of brand:

  • Charles Briddell, Assistant Director of Housing
  • Todd Tracey, Student
  • Sophia Rampolla, Student
  • Bonnie Lingelbach, Budget Manager
  • Joseph Zuccaro, Lecturer

If you see an old Towson University logo, the brand team wants you to take action! Tell us where you spot any out-of-date logo and we’ll make it worth your while.

Report a brand mark and, when you do, you’ll be included in a monthly drawing for free TU brand socks (shown below). Fill out the form once. Fill it out twice. Fill it out anytime and every time you see a breach of brand. Together, we can update all university brand marks (and do it in style).

For questions about reporting a brand mark email the brand team.

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This post was written by Baldwin, Timm