CALL FOR ACTORS! Interested in Auditioning for EMF Student Films? Attend the EMF Actor Auditions Tomorrow
CALL FOR ACTORS! Towson EMF’s annual actor audition is happening on Saturday, March 7th. Interested? Email us at!
Student filmmakers from Towson University’s Electronic Media and Film Department are seeking actors to be cast in upcoming film projects. Students, professionals, union, non-union, and aspiring actors are all invited to submit headshots and resumes to be included in our database and to audition with a prepared monologue during our open audition!
When: SATURDAY, MARCH 7th, from 9:30am – 5:00pm
Where: Towson University, Media Center building, TV Studio (Room 102)
**Further parking information and directions are included below.
Please schedule in advance, though we also welcome walk-ins. To schedule an appointment to audition, email with your preferred audition time. Attach your headshot and resume, preferably as a PDF, to your email. If you cannot make the audition, WE STILL WANT YOUR HEADSHOT AND RESUME for our database, so please send it to us.
Towson EMF students will be providing casting calls outlining the synopsis for each film project, character descriptions, and shooting dates at the audition. Further callbacks or meetings may be requested and arranged at the discretion of the filmmakers and actors.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your monologue will be videotaped. Only provide contact information you are comfortable sharing with the EMF student filmmaking community. The headshot, resume and videotaped performance you provide will be shared with student filmmakers attending Towson University.
If you cannot attend the audition but still want your headshot and resume considered by Towson EMF students, please send the documents to for inclusion in our actor database.
Parking and Directions:
Towson University is located at 8000 York Rd., Towson, MD 21252. The Media Center is the building connected to the Cook Library.
Parking on campus is free and open to the public on Saturdays, without needing a parking permit. The closest parking area is in the Glen Garage on the southeast end of campus. You can enter the garage from either York Road or Cross Campus Drive. Follow the link for the Google Maps location to the parking garage: Additional street parking is available on Cross Campus Drive off of York Road. Navigating campus can take time, so arrive at least 15 minutes early. The Media Center is located at Handicapped parking is available on Glen Drive nearby. For the campus map visit Use the drop down menu to find parking options and to locate the Media Center Building.
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Categorised in: General
This post was written by Healey, Elizabeth E.