Halloween Safety Tips

The Towson University Police Department wishes TU students, faculty and staff a fun and safe Halloween. Halloween is a great time to dress up, go trick-or-treating and attend parties. Please follow these basic safety tips to ensure an enjoyable Halloween:

  • Trust your instincts. If you see something suspicious, contact the police.
  • Avoid being alone or isolated with a stranger. Let a trusted friend know where you are and who you are with at all times. Know your surroundings. Carry emergency cash and store the phone numbers of local cab companies in your phone or download the Uber or Lyft app.
  • When you are out with your friends, arrive together, check in with each other throughout the night, and leave together. Form a buddy system so that no one wanders off alone.
  • Do not accept alcohol from people you do not know or trust. Never leave your alcohol unattended. If you lose sight of your drink, get a new one.


  • Ideally, an adult should accompany young children on Halloween. If your children go out on their own, be sure they wear a watch and carry a flashlight and cell phone. They should know when to be home and where to reach you in case of an emergency.
  • Costumes should be bright and reflective. Make sure that shoes fit well, masks permit clear visibility, and capes are short enough to prevent tripping or entanglement.
  • Although tampering is rare, tell children to bring the candy home to be inspected before consuming anything. Look at the wrapping carefully and toss out anything that looks suspicious.
  • Trick or treaters should never enter a stranger’s home, no matter how nice the people seem. Always use the sidewalk. Do not cross lawns.

We Witch You A Safe and Happy Howl-oween!

For more information on general campus safety, check our website. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook  , Instagram and follow us on Twitter

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This post was written by McShane, Kathleen*