Join an Interfraternity Council Fraternity!
Interested in joining an Interfraternity Council fraternity? Register today at First-year and transfer men can join their first semester at Towson you just have to be a full-time student. IFC Recruitment will take place from Sunday, September 15th to Friday, September 27th. Follow @tugreeklife on Instagram for more updates.
SAVE THE DATE Fraternity and Sorority Day at TU will be on August 28th. Professionally Greek will be in the West Village Ballrooms from 12pm to 1pm. This is an opportunity to network with Towson Faculty & Staff that are members of fraternities and sororities.
You can register for this event at
Meet The Greeks will be on the West Village Lawn from 5pm to 7pm. Come out and meet the current fraternity and sorority members on Towson’s campus and enjoy a live DJ, giveaways, and learning about what each chapter has to offer. No need to register for this event you can just stop by whenever! Bring a friend!
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Codd, Amanda M.