Celebrating June Hindle, Sr. Benefits Specialist in OHR

Join us for an open house to celebrate June Hindle. This is the sequel to June’s previous retirement from University of Baltimore in 2007. Overall, June’s career with the State has spanned 40 years, with close to six years of service at TU since returning in October 2013 for what was expected to be a short period of time. June’s knowledge and experience are only surpassed by her sense of caring and compassion, all of which have left an indelible mark on the community of faculty, staff, and retirees at TU.

We’ll have cake, fruit, and drinks as we share memories and wish June a fond farewell.

Open House-Style Retirement Celebration
Admin Building room 424
July 30, 2:00-4:00.


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This post was written by Morrow, Jennifer G.