Purchasing parking permits for the 2019-2020 academic year
Make your plans to purchase a parking permit for the 2019-2020 academic year. Permit sales begin Monday, July 29, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. All permits are purchased online through eParking. Annual and term (semester) permits will be accepted and valid as of August 12, 2019. Permits will continue to be available for purchase throughout the academic year.
Student Parking Information
- Commuter students with less than 30 units earned are eligible to purchase an Overflow Permit.
- Commuters with more than 30 units are eligible to purchase a Core Permit.
- Resident students with less than 30 units earned cannot purchase a parking permit or have a vehicle on campus unless an Exception Request has been granted. Exception requests for the 2019-2020 academic year will be accepted as of July 8, 2019.
- Resident students with more than 30 units may purchase a Resident Permit, which is lot-specific.
Faculty/Staff Parking Information
- If you are currently using payroll deduction to pay for your permit, no action is required on your part. Your permit will renew automatically in July 2019.
- Faculty and staff who do not currently use payroll deduction to pay for a parking permit must purchase it through eParking when general permits sales begin.
- If you would like to enroll in payroll deduction and are eligible, select your permit online and then visit the Auxiliary Services Business Office to sign the necessary enrollment forms.
Details on permit eligibility and available payment options will be sent via email to active TU affiliates in mid- to late July 2019. This information will also be posted on the Parking & Transportation Services website.
After you purchase your permit, you will receive a permit purchase email. Please carefully read this email as it contains pertinent information regarding where your permit is valid, as well as details specific to your permit type.
For additional information, please visit the Parking & Transportation Services’ website at www.towson.edu/parking or phone the office at 410-704-PARK.
Tags: parking
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Gorsuch, Pamela