Computer Science Dissertation Defense Announcement
The Computer Science Department and Informational Technology Doctoral Program invites the university community to a dissertation defense for Rasha Almajed on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 10:00 AM in YR 459.
Dissertation title: Foundation For Binary Code Transformation In Bare Machine Computing
Abstract: Operating systems or kernels assist in running conventional applications. Bare machine computing (BMC) applications run on bare machines without using an operating system or a kernel. BMC applications are thus independent of any execution platform promoting longevity and reducing obsolescence. We investigate the binary transformation of conventional applications enabling them to run on bare machines. Three sample applications are used to demonstrate the binary transformation process and show the feasibility of our approach. Two Visual Studio applications are transformed to run on a bare PC and one large bare PC application binary is linked dynamically and transformed to run with a bare PC Web server. The transformation process and the dynamic linking of binary modules help to identify design and research issues. Our work lays a foundation to achieve the ultimate goal of making applications independent of computing platforms and environments.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Walczak, Robin