Central Payroll Error for June 12 pay date

Faculty Pension Deduction
Regular faculty who participate in a contributory retirement plan: Teachers Retirement System or Teachers Pension System make a personal contribution through payroll deduction over 20 pays during the academic year. Your deduction for the pay period ending 5/21/19 and included on the 5/29/19 pay should have been the final one for the current academic year.

An additional deduction was taken in error by the Central Payroll Bureau (CPB) for the pay period ending 6/4/19, and included on pay date 6/12/19 for any regular participating faculty.

Faculty & Staff Parking Deduction
Regular faculty and staff who pay for parking through payroll deduction over 20 pay periods also had an additional parking deduction taken in error for the pay period ending 6/4/19, and included on pay date 6/12/19.

CPB will be issuing refunds directly to faculty and staff affected by these errors and mail checks to the home address on file. Taxable wages will be adjusted as well.


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This post was written by Morrow, Jennifer G.