On-Campus Employer Lunch n’ Learn at the Career Center
TU’s Student Employment Coordinator will be hosting a lunchtime workshop for on-campus employers that will explore areas of student employment as it pertains to Federal Work Study, on-campus internships and a panel of campus partners to answer any questions about the on-boarding process.
The workshop is intended for on-campus supervisors and hiring managers involved in the student employee process.
Topic: Campus Partner Panel (Payroll, Student Financial Services and Human Resources)
Date: Wednesday, May 8
Time: Noon – 1 p.m.
Location: Career Center at 7800 York Road, Suite 206.
If interested please sign up through this link.
For more information, contact the Career Center by calling 410-704-2233, emailing careercenter@towson.edu or visiting www.towson.edu/careercenter.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Rixham, Judith R.