Election Results: TU Staff Council
Thank you to all staff members that voted in this year’s TU Staff Council (TUSC) elections! The following staff members were elected to serve for the May 2019 – April 2022 term.
Executive Division: EIysa Newman
Division of University Advancement: Barbara Czajkowski
Division of Administration & Finance: Deniz Erman
Division of Student Affairs: Judy Rixham
Exempt: Robert Karp
Non-Exempt (2): Mary Cowles and TiErra Johnson
Contingent: Sarah Benas
TUSC is the advocate body for all university staff employees. Find out more at www.towson.edu/tusc. Questions? Email us at tusc@towson.edu.
Tags: TU Staff Council, TUSCCategorised in: General
This post was written by Mello, Nicholas J.