On-Campus Employer Lunch n’ Learn at the Career Center

TU’s Student Employment Coordinator will be hosting a lunchtime series of workshops for on-campus employers that will explore areas of student employment as it pertains to Federal Work Study, on-campus internships and a panel of campus partners to answer any questions about the on-boarding process.

These workshops are intended for on-campus supervisors and hiring managers involved in the student employee process.

  • Wednesday, April 10: Learn how your department can save money by hiring Federal Work Study students
  • Thursday, April 25: Elevate your student’s job into an on-campus internship
  • Wednesday, May 8: Campus Partner Panel (Payroll, Student Financial Services and Human Resources)

All sessions run from noon – 1 p.m. in the Career Center at 7800 York Road, Suite 206.

If interested please select one or more of the workshops you would like to attend through this link.

For more information, contact the Career Center by calling 410-704-2233, emailing careercenter@towson.edu or visiting www.towson.edu/careercenter.

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This post was written by Rixham, Judith R.