Summer 2019 Faculty-led Study Abroad Application Deadline Extended
The deadline to apply for the following summer 2019 faculty-led study abroad programs has been extended until midnight on March 27:
Health Professions in Australia and New Zealand
Environmental Education and Service Learning in the Tropics, Costa Rica
Geography in the Heart of Europe: Prague, World Regional Geography
Spanish Language and Culture in Spain
International Perspectives on Sport for Life, Iceland & Denmark
Economic and Social Development in Ecuador
Education, Ethics, and Change in Ireland
Tropical Field Ecology in Peru
The Culture of Shakespeare’s World
Questions? Email studyabroad@towson.edu.
Tags: Australia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, HBIYW, How Big Is Your World, Iceland, Ireland, New Zealand, Peru, Spain, Study Abroad, United KingdomCategorised in: Students
This post was written by Villamar, Katherine H.