Welcome to TU Today!

Welcome to a brand new daily email from Towson University – TU Today!

Take some time to get to know this new email that will serve the TU community going forward; with new visuals, cleaner announcements, and a social element. We hope you enjoy the new look. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new:

Feature Story
The new feature story kicks off your morning with a captivating image that sets the tone for the corresponding story from the newsroom.

Today’s Events
Events are now front and center: featuring four to six events of the day and an image to accompany the event information.

Announcements are now organized in one list. Student announcements will be indicated by a gold box before the title.

Social Media
Using the hashtag #TUproud, the TU Today email pulls in recent Instagram posts from Towson University. Use #TUproud in all your posts, too. 

We hope you enjoy these new features and the new email update.


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This post was written by Mello, Nicholas J.